Friday, October 7, 2011

The Big 6 !!!

This kid turns 6 on Sunday!
How did that happen so fast?

(Well, I am glad he is not 3 anymore.
One 3-year-old is plenty!)

We celebrated his Birthday today,
knowing that he would not appreciate
going to church for 3 hours on his special day.

Thanks to very generous grandparents on both sides,
he got a new bike!
The first kids' bike that we did not inherit or
pull out of the dumpster.
He is thrilled to have hand brakes and 6 gears!
He has been asking questions about
which gear to use when for weeks now.
So I am sure he will be a Pro at it in no-time!

The kids slept in until 7 am,
opened presents,
we had hash browns and eggs,
and were ready to go by 8 am.
So off they went early and in freezing temperatures.

Notice something wrong with this picture?
In his excitement,
Noah left his backpack at home.
We did not even notice until we were at school.

After school,
we brought his friend, Owen, home with us
the boys played while I was getting
a few last things ready for the Birthday Bash.

our home-made Pinata

I would say the Party was a success.
It certainly did not go according to 'plan', but
Noah loved it and the kids had fun!
That's what matters.

Noah and good friend, Cash

PS: Karl and I were slightly busy. Hence the complete lack of photos. Next year I am either hiring my sister (party planner) or Jamie (photographer). Ideally, both!


Jamie Pearson said...

Sweet I'll come next year!!! and love that he already has a bike that has gears. We are getting kade a balance bike I think for Christmas. He is obssessed with the kids that ride their bikes on our street. i bet he will be too short but it sure will be fun.

ff familie fuerniss said...

Hey oh mann ich hab's verpasst, dir ein Rezept zu schicken und Mama Bescheid zu geben. Aber wie ich sehe, hattet ihr großen Spaß! Happy Birthday Großer! Und viel Spaß mit dem coolen Bike! Nächstes Jahr wäre schön, mal sehen was die Familienplanung dazusagt.

Emily Nice said...

HOw is it possible that you have a 6 year old? I can't believe it! Looks like Noah had a good time on his special day.