Friday, September 28, 2012

Living on a Farm for a Week

never mind the smell. i kinda like it...

We decided it would be fun to live on an animal farm 
for a week while in Germany and so we did! 
The whole family 
(Noah, Max, cousin Lynn, aunt Emily, Oma, Opa, and I) 
took off for a fun trip further south in Germany. 
Allgäu is certainly one of my favorite regions close to home and, 
although I never made it all the way into the Alps, 
it was gorgeous nonetheless. 
I'd live there in a heartbeat! 

The 7 of us had a house to ourselves on the farm
which wasn't fancy but since when is life on a farm fancy?
It had everything we needed, 
and even a TV to watch some of the Euro Cup action at night. 
This was very important. 
I mean, hello, soccer absolutely rules this country!

Every morning we had the chance to fill up our milk bottle with fresh cow milk
Yikes! I hate to admit it but I never even tried it! 
I know it's healthy and good and all but I couldn't get myself to do it. 
Neither did the kids. Noah will only drink almond or soy milk 
and Max does whatever Noah does. 
So no fresh cow milk for us. Lame! 

The kids loved this climbing tree and the sand box behind it. 
Especially when we could cart 
lots of water from the well over to it. 
Green grass and water is something we certainly don't take for granted anymore.
The adults got plenty of time to hang out and talk. 

Noah wasn't as much into the animals because all he 
cares about these days is soccer! 
But Max loved all of them and 
enjoyed visiting them frequently. 

It was fun to rush over to the hen house 
and see if they had laid any eggs we could eat for breakfast. 
Unfortunately, they either weren't super productive 
or we were too slow but the ones we had 
were super yummy! 

The 3 cousins had plenty of time to play, cuddle, have fun, 
and, of course, fight. 

We miss our Lynni and hope she can come visit us sometime! 

In case you are wondering: 
No, we didn't spend an entire week just on the farm. 
We took 'field trips' every day to all kinds of cool places. 
Check out these awesome houses: 

Since there was a big fire pit, 
we had a few BBQs and the popular Stockbrot
Oma made a salty yeast dough, Opa lit a fire, 
and the kids found sticks. 
Then they grab a handful of dough:

Wrap it around their stick: 

And hold it over the fire: 

Ready to eat (unless they are completely burned) 
with whatever else is being served:

Of course there was plenty of swimming
We are talking about a Borst vacation after all...
The day we arrived, we found out where the closest lake was, 
packed our swim stuff, and played in the water as the sun set. 

Then we found out about an awesome swimming pool 
that is right by a lake, so you can choose if you want to
swim/play in pool water or open water. 
I was in heaven! 
I want to go back right now! 

And yet another lake close by:

I kinda like the desert 
I really like water and love spending all day every day 
by a big public pool or a gorgeous lake! 

Thank you, Oma and Opa, 
for such a fun trip! 
Great memories we will treasure forever! 

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