Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our New Year's Eve Fun

If you want to read about Karl and my New Year's Eve adventure, go here.

In case you are German and think we are totally lame: We are. But don't worry. Most other Utahns are not much better. I sure miss the way Germans party. Sometimes. New Year's Eve without Raclette and lots of fireworks just is not the same. So I might as well go to bed at 8:30. Not missing out on too much.

Happy New Year to y'all!


Smart Helm said...

You are the inspiration. Duh. Happy New Year to you!

Nate + Carlee said...

Wish I could have joined you, and glad that I didn't! Maybe next year! Also, my New Year's wasn't exactly a big party either, so we can be lame together. You HAVE piqued my interest on what makes German Parties so awesome though...

ff familie fuerniss said...

Haha die Deutschen machen immer Party? Wir nicht :-( aber auch nur weil Lynn krank war. Denn es stimmt: Raclett und ein tolles Feuerwerk gehören einfach dazu. Naja nächstes Jahr vielleicht. Frohes Neues!!