Sunday, September 19, 2010


Our little tree hugger

I sure like reading and writing blog posts. As you can tell.

But here is the problem: Do our blogs really reflect what is going on in our lives? Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes it is hard to tell.

Are you thinking everything is dandy up here in Flagstaff because I have been posting beautiful pictures and telling you about our fun adventures?

Truth is, we are really enjoying ourselves and making the best of our situation. But it is definitely not easy peasy. I don't want to start complaining. I have no reason to. However, I also don't want to make it seem like our move here was a piece of cake. So I am gonna be honest.

It has been difficult for our little family to:
  • move from a 4-bedroom townhouse to a 2-bedroom apartment
  • leave behind all friends and family (except for the ones I already left behind in Germany)
  • be in a more expensive place while making less money
  • not have any neighbor kids to run around with outside
Well, those are the big ones. I know we had been really spoiled so far. But we did not take it for granted. Sometimes you have to take one step backwards in order to move forward. So that's where we are at right now.

Life is good! We are together, healthy and determined to make this a fun adventure!

So now you know...

(And in case you want to know more about how I feel personally, you're gonna have to visit my other blog. Soon. I have yet to write that post.)


Smart Helm said...

Change is always hard. I'm impressed with ur good attitude! Good luck.

Diana said...

I really appreciate this post Sarah. Sometimes I get really down on myself when I read everyone's blogs and they are so happy and perfect all the time. Then I see that our life is not perfect and I feel that somehow we are less than everyone or failing in away that no one else seems to fail at
Glad to hear life is good. We really miss our little condo too. Our neighbors were truly special. We love our new ones too but there was just something great about our little Colony Park.

Cat and Blake Potter said...

oh wow do I ever feel a lot like you do right now...the posts look dandy and life is really great, but boy it's not always easy, especially right now. Thanks for this post.

ff familie fuerniss said...

Ich finde es gut, dass du schreibst was dir auf dem Herzen liegt und dass es nicht leicht ist so einen Umzug zu meistern. Du bist mein großes Vorbild, sei es weil du immer so konsequent und hart dein Training durchziehst oder wie toll du deine Jungs erziehst und sie schon so selbstständig und einfach fröhlich sind. Ich kann sicher viel von dir lernen wenn es nächstes Jahr vielleicht auch für uns heißt - neue Stadt, keine Freunde und Familie.
In so einer Situation möchte man am liebsten ins Flugzeug steigen und bei euch sein und euch nahe stehen und helfen. Aber leider geht das nicht und so schicke ich dir halt mal wieder Grüße übers Internet!

Leticia said...

I was wondering how you're doing! Moves are always a mixed blessing. It's so hard going from one wonderful place to another. You definitely lived up life in Utah and it looks as though you're already doing that in Flagstaff. So many adventures already under your belt, and so many more to come.