Sunday, January 24, 2010


I hope I have more patience now than when I was a kid.
But I am not so sure.

While reading an interview with Joanna Zeiger (2008 Ironman 70.3 World Champion), I thought:

This is exactly how I feel!

Joanna says:

"The most overrated virtue is patience. If everyone was patient, nothing would ever get done. I have spent years fretting over my impatience – I hate waiting in line, waiting for appointments, waiting for people to do things, waiting for people in general; I want things done yesterday. I have now embraced my lack of patience and would request that people stop asking me to be more patient."

I still think patience is a great thing and I am working on mine. But I have realized that there are different kinds of patience. As her next quote demonstrates:

"The most underrated virtue is resilience. Life is hard and unexpected. No matter what plans we make, what goals we set, what time-line we expect, curve balls are always thrown our way. It is those who are resilient that come through a crisis intact and ready to conquer the next battle. In my own life, I have encountered obstacles athletically, socially, and academically. It is through my resolve and
stubbornness that I been able to weather the storms."

Doesn't it sounds like resilience is part patience as well? Just a different kind.

Anyway, I am not trying to get too philosophical here. I just thought it was funny that Karl asked me tonight: "Did you read that interview with Joanna Zeiger? The part about patience TOTALLY reminds me of you." He knows me well...

1 comment:

Jamie Pearson said...

Those quotes are great. I'm glad Karl had you read you and knows you so well to tell you to read it =) Guess what 2 more weeks!!