Monday, November 2, 2009


We had been thinking about a family tent all summer for obvious reasons:

a) we go camping A LOT
b) bringing, setting up, and sleeping in two tents is getting old

But we never bought one for two reasons:

a) we don't have a whole lot of extra money
b) we can't agree on one

I have very specific ideas about which tent I want our little family to spend their camping nights in.

(After re-reading this, I realize that I have very specific ideas about lots of things, almost everything. But so what? At least I know what I want. Although I think it drives Karl a little crazy at times.)

Anyways, to make a long story short, on Saturday we went to an REI garage sale on our way to SLC. Our objective was to find some gloves, snow pants, and snow boots. But what did we find instead? I am sure you already guessed it.

We found this:

The REI Hobitat 6

Returned because of a few tiny holes in the floor. $95. We set it up and really like it. We decide to get it. I lose he price tag. We go back and ask for a new one.

Really nice sales guy: "Wasn't it like 85 bucks or something?"
Karl: "Actually, it was 95."
Really nice sales guy: "Hey, I am trying to help you out here."
Karl: "Oh, okay."

The new price tag reads $77.85
Originally the tent cost $300

We buy it. Sweet deal! Not exactly what I had in mind but I can't complain.

Since we have no trips to warm places planned anytime soon, and the tent does not fit into our living room, we might have to go camping in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard.


Smart Helm said...

Way to price shop! Kinda..

I'm excited to hear about your adventures in it.

And BTW, unexpressed expectations always lead to disappointment. Way to express!

Leslie said...


I really admire your frugalness Sarah :)

Jamie Pearson said...

Wow that is an amazing deal and I don't think you can complain with such an amazing deal. Noah will be sad that he can't sleep in his Walrus tent anymore=) Oh i think you should bring your tent and come camping out here