Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Apparently Mama does not care about comments on her blog but I do! Because hey, when I write a cool post, I want to hear what ya'll think of it. And I want you to tell me how cute I am.

So, I changed the setting. Everyone can now comment on our blog now. You don't need a blogspot account or a gmail address anymore.

Happy? Great! Comment away. I can't wait.

And now for my German friends:

Und jetzt mal auf Deutsch, damit ich auch sicher sein kann, dass ihr mich alle richtig versteht.

Also, falls ihr schon immer mal einen Kommentar auf unserem Blog hinterlassen wolltet, aber bisher nicht konntet, jetzt geht's! Einfach auf comment klicken und mir sagen, wie toll ihr mich findet. Mama ist es zwar egal, aber ich mag Komplimente!

Ich freu mich schon.

Love, Max


JessWilson said...

LOL. You're so funny. I definitely need to comment more so I'm glad that you are giving us all a gentle nudge. :) P.S. I love your blog!

Emily Nice said...

Yep, I haven't been commenting as I should. Very cute posts. I hope some of your german family/friends comment too.

Adriana said...

Hey Max! I just figured out how to comment, but just because I never commented before. . . don't think I didn't love your blog! I always look at it and I love your pictures and all your adventures (and Noah's too) But NOW I know how to leave a comment so you will KNOW I am reading. Love from Aunt Adri!