Sunday, May 12, 2013

Thoughts on Mother's Day

First of all I want to wish my own Mama a very happy Mother's Day. 
Which is a little superfluous as she is vacationing in Southern France right now. 
How can you not be having a very happy Every Day down there? 
So it's not too terrible that I didn't send her a card (or anything else for that matter), right?
I mean, she wouldn't have gotten it today anyway. 
Maybe I will get around to it tomorrow. 
Do they even have Mother's Day in Germany? And if so, is it the same day? 
While every American and their dog posted something about Mothers on Facebook today, my German friends were rather quiet. So who knows. 

The following picture still cracks me up. 
My sister is screaming her head off and I seem to be pouting. Nice!

While we've always known that our mother loves us very much, she also made it very clear that we'd better be out of the house at the age of 20. I basically left when I was 17 to go to Utah as an exchange student for a year. Then I was home for 2.5 years to finish school in Germany. I left again at the end of 2001 and have been in the US ever since. And I definitely miss my mom a lot! And, of course, the rest of my family. Some day we will be back, I promise! 

If you are interested in finding out what it was like for me to grow up German, you can go here

I love being a mom to these two kiddos! 
I mean, look at them! How could I not? They are the best!
And it breaks my heart to have scary things happen to them. 
Like last Friday when a crazy guy escaped from the hospital and got on Noah's school bus. 
(You can read more about that story at the beginning of this post. I am going to write a longer post on that topic soon but some things still aren't clear to us.)

I am super impressed with Max's gift to me. I knew it was going to be awesome when I found out that my swimming buddy and amazing artist, Liza vonRosenstiel, was helping these little guys create something beautiful. It turned out wonderful!

A heartfelt Thank You to my partner in parenthood. 
Very glad to be on this journey together!  

1 comment:

ff familie fuerniss said...

Hey, wirklich ein toller Post - ich beneide dich, dass du so viel Liebe in deinen Blog steckst und so toll schreiben kannst. Ich lese ihn immer total gerne und dann denke ich, "ach Sarah hat es so toll geschrieben, dann brauch ich es nicht nochmals :-)". Auch ein wunderschönes Bild von den Jungs. Irgendwie ist bei uns Muttertag nicht soo groß. Lynn hat auch leider gar nichts im Kiga gemacht :-(. Aber wir haben mit Jochens Mama und Schwester Spargel und Kuchen gegessen und hatten einen schönen Tag! Kuss