Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The MaxMan

Love this picture. Thanks, Carlee!

On Tuesday morning
we celebrated Max
by going to the Salem Pond
with friends.
It's one of our
favorite places.

He actually got to
open his presents
a day early.
Karl leaves early during the week
and there is no way
I am making my kids
wait until evening.

Noah made him
a sweet boat
out of an old bottle.

Max was surprised
and could not believe
that the presents
were just for him.

Playdough toys!

This kid loves playdough.
To play with and
(unfortunately) to eat.

We decided to give
Noah one little present
as well.
He was very excited
about some new Lego.

I have really been wanting
to write something
about Max.
considering that I pretty much
still have a whole house
to pack up,
I will sum it up
in two sentences for now:

At least once a day,
I look at Max
and think:
"Is this stinkin' cute, funny,
smart, handsome kid
really mine?
I am so lucky."

At least once a day,
I look at Max and think:
"What am I going
to do with you??????"

PS: For my own records, Max weighs 27 lbs and measures 35 inches now. Whatever that means. I still think in the metric system.


Jamie Pearson said...

Wow I can't believe he is 2 that is crazy. He is soo cute and I love his blonde hair. Good Luck packing up your house.

Nate + Carlee said...

ha ha ha! I love that you put that picture at the top! That kid is going to be a model someday!

Smart Helm said...

That is definitely the birthday that keeps on giving! I second Jamie's good luck.

ff familie fuerniss said...

Hey ich liebe das Bild "on the top". Max ist so cool!
Die Geschenke sehen super aus und nach viel Spaß.
Hauptsache es gibt Action.
Auf jeden Fall hätte es mich gewundert wenn du NICHT Fahrrad gefahren wärst, schließlich war ja Montag und Max hatte einen tollen Tag wie es auf den Bildern zu sehen ist und das ist die Hauptsache!